Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Auckland Day 3 & 4

 Auckland – Part 2 

Thursday, February 2, 2023 

Our 2nd full day in Auckland. After waking to rain yesterday, today is beautiful. We are off this morning to do some more exploring. We plan on utilizing the Hop-On-Hop-Off bus to see a bit more and take in a couple of attractions. 

There is a ticket office for the HOHO bus right on our dock. The bus doesn’t start running until 9:00 a.m. so we didn’t head out until after that. As we were purchasing our tickets, we were told there was a $10 discount due to the bus not being able to cover their usual route. The heavy rains of last week have closed the road towards the Aquarium, and the aquarium is still closed due to flooding. 

We are a little disappointed as we thought the Aquarium would have been a good attraction to visit. However, all things happen for the better. The HOHO bus route is essentially what we saw yesterday on our included tour, but the commentary was a bit different and we can get off just about anywhere we want. We did get off at the Auckland Museum and War Memorial.

Foyer of the Museum

Above the central courtyard.


Inside we bought our entrance ticket and then enjoyed a cup of coffee before starting to explore. The top floor is dedicated to the military history of New Zealand. Very well done. After we finished there, we started through the main floor. Then we were overrun by a group of young children that had to express their excitement by screaming. Not our cup of tea, so we speeded up a bit and moved on to the Maori exhibition. It is an amazing collection of artifacts including an original Maka or war canoe. 75 meters long, 100 men would go to war. The bow piece is their God of War. They also have an original Wharenui which is personal/family temple.

Prow of the War Canoe

25 meters long.

Would seat 100 

The Wharenui 

Family Temple

Detail of the carving on this building

Eyes are abalone shell

More detail.

Evidently the sticking out

of one's tongue is a blatant


Google the All Black rugby team's chant.


Back on the bus, we finished their route and returned to the ship. We checked in at the Excursion Desk and scheduled another tour for tomorrow. North Shore and the village of Devenport.



Friday, February 3, 2023 

Forecast for today was for cloudy, but no rain. Wrong! We joined our tour group at 9:30 and headed out. Our driver/guide was a bit frustrated as he would give us a tidbit of information and normally be able to point out what he was talking about. Today the clouds are right down on the water or ground. So, a huge marina – fogged in; an old sugar factory – shrouded in clouds; a cinder cone (they have lots) – we’ll take his word for it. But then it did lift a little and we were able to see some of the sites. We drove up one of those cinder cones and had good views back across the bay to the Central Business District of Auckland. The original itinerary had us going up an even taller cone, but the road is currently closed due to the intense rains they’ve recently had. Our driver told us they had received about a year worth of rain in just a week.

We did stop at a large lake in a caldera. Water from this lake used to be pumped across the harbor to Auckland. Many years ago, black swans were imported from Australia and now are a prominent site in the lake. They were definitely hoping one of us had food. Sorry.

Old Pump House
Now a local theatre

This is the New Zealand
Christmas Tree
At Christmas time it is
covered in red blossoms.
This is a late bloomer.
Po'hutukawa tree

Victorian era with 
amazing fretwork.

We were given lots of time for walking around the village of Devenport and thought we would be able to find some lunch there. When we arrived at the drop off point, it was back to pouring down rain. So, we opted to take the ferry back across the harbor to our ship. If we had been able to see all the stuff he had talked about and also had time to wander it would have been a fantastic tour. Instead, through no one’s fault, it was adequate but still quite enjoyable.

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